Dow AgroScience Hotshot 20L

Dow AgroScience Hotshot 20L

Dow AgroScience Hotshot 20L

Hotshot has set the standard for climbing buckwheat control in winter cereals. Providing robust performance in even the harshest conditions, Hotshot also offers high crop safety combined with excellent residual for effective control of secondary germinations leading to a cleaner fallow following the cereal crop.

Active ingredient: 10 g/L aminopyralid and 140 g/L fluroxypyr


Mode of action: Plant cell growth disruption (both pyridines)

  • Winter cereals: Climbing buckwheat, fleabane and other broadleaf weeds.


  • Pastures: lantana, fireweed and certain other weeds.


Product Features:

  • Robust climbing buckwheat (black bindweed) control even in tough conditions.
  • Effective control of small (up to 4 leaf) and large (up to 8 leaf) climbing buckwheat.
  • Excellent crop safety meaning improved crop yields.
  • Compatible with MCPA LVE and metsulfuron-methyl – this mixture controls most key broadleaf weeds in northern cereals, including fleabane and milk thistle.
