Tite Liniment 500mL

Tite Liniment 500mL

Tite Liniment 500mL

Active ingredients increase circulation and general blood flow to affected areas, accelerating repair and recovery of tissues, creating warmth and alleviating soreness in tendons, osselots, ringbone and splints. A humane, effective alternative to blistering or firing, FARNAM® TITE™ LINIMENT can also be used to stimulate blood flow to coronets to promote rapid hoof growth.

An effective treatment for shin soreness, the increased circulation from FARNAM® TITE™ LINIMENT can assist in the 'bone remodelling' important to 2-3 y.o. in training and for older horses subject to the stress of continuous racing. 

PRESENTATION:  Spirit based solution for topical application to intact skin.

CAMPHOR          32mg
PHENOL             29mg
IODINE                  6mg

Alleviates soreness of tendons, osselots, ringbone, splints, shins and knees.   A humane and effective alternative to blistering or firing.

FARNHAM TITE™ LINIMENT stimulates circulation, and thereby accelerates repair and recovery of stressed and strained parts.

Improved circulation to the shins is valuable in hastening the strengthening of bone as a horse adapts to weight carrying, and so is helpful in the reduction of shin soreness.

Stimulation of circulation to the coronet can also be used to hasten hoof growth where necessary.

Shake well before use.
Wash off any scruff, mud or any previous applications.
Apply FARNHAM TITE™ LINIMENT liberally, rubbing in well.  Cover with cotton wool or wax paper, then bandage.
Allow limb(s) to air 3-4 hours daily.

CAUTION:  Wash hands after use.  If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre.  If swallowed, induce vomiting.